Matt Lakeman

History, Travel & Thought-provoking Ideas

Another writer who’s part of the ‘extended Slate Star Codex universe’ (we’ll feature Scott Alexander soon!), Matt Lakeman is one of the most engaging writers on the internet - and pretty eccentric!

Why Matt Lakeman?

I don’t actually know much about him. (maybe it’s better that way?) He’s probably best known as a ‘travel writer’ - and if you’re interested in travel to some of the world’s lesser visited locations - Matt Lakeman has probably been there and written about it.

But travel is only part of his repertoire. He writes frequently about literature and culture and I’ve shared his ‘experiments’ - or challenges - tons of times. They’re fun (but quite odd)!

You can find his writing - in his trademark blunt style - on his website.

Topics: History, Travel, Society, Book/Film analysis

1 - Thoughts on Meaning and Writing

Lakeman’s ideas on what’s important or ‘meaningful’ and an ode to writing as a form of learning (and remembering).

“When I revisit the essay, I don’t just recapture the information, but the process of discovering it. I remember writing particular sentences, how I found the relevant knowledge online, and the compositional decisions I made to put each sentence in its particular place.”

A quite bizarre history of seal hunters on an uber-remote island in the 18th century (seriously) and a parable of sorts about what life - or at least your time - is worth. 

“I wouldn’t want to live on an island in the middle of nowhere with four other men for 1.5 years to bludgeon and skin seals all day because I value my life and time too much. There are too many other interesting, beneficial, fulfilling things I could be doing with my time.”

Matt Lakeman has done a bunch of personal ‘experiments’ - here’s a fun one. 

“Why Am I Doing This? No real reason. I’m just curious to see if I have the willpower to succeed and how I’ll feel.” 

As far as blogs go, a new Matt Lakeman travel post is as close to a ‘stop everything and read’ event. He shares a mix of overview, history and his personal experiences. This one - on his experience in Guinea - is one of my favorites (but they’re all fascinating).


Some of our favourite things we found on the internet this week:


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Let us know how you found Matt Lakeman’s writing & see you next week! 🙂